Below: getting ready to speak at Phnom Penh’s March monthly Pecha Kucha night, locally called ‘Nerd Night‘. 🙂
Host Yi Wei (and the intrepid team) spared no effort in dressing the part. I did a little talk on how to ‘QuickDraw’, and how the new daily digital QuickDraw came to be.
‘Pecha Kucha‘ means literally ‘chit chat’ in Japanese, and is now a global phenomenon with chapters all around the globe. Requiring speakers to narrate 20 slides in 20 seconds really cuts the wheat from the chaff.
Below: links for video of the talk, slides and comics from the evening.
In Cambodia and want to give it a try? Drop ’em a line.
This just in, I will be speaking at on ‘Social Media’ (holy cow what a crazy term) for the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia on April 03. Venue to be announced.